Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Fourth of July


Photomanipulation by Carol Moore

Happy Fourth of July! I am so thankful to live in the United States of America. God has truly blessed this nation. Although, at times in these past few years, it may seem we do not have much to celebrate, but we do have a lot to celebrate. We can celebrate and praise God that we still have our freedoms and rights. We are still in the land of the free and home of the brave. Many men and women have died fighting for our rights and freedoms, and I stand proudly and salute those who did, and I salute our flag. America represents so many things, and despite the division presently being forced upon us, we are all united under this great country. When the storm hits the shore or when the fires are ablaze, we always manage to step up and be there to help one another. Perhaps we have forgotten that because we are all too busy fighting, yelling, and tearing each other apart over different politics, beliefs, and ideologies. John Quincy Adams wrote to his wife and stated this in his letter to her “A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” My hope and prayer is for those who wish to give up their freedoms due to fear or lack of knowledge that you are awaken to the truth and realize just how precious our freedom is. Our forefathers did. And as Benjamin Franklin said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." We must never give up our rights or our freedoms. 

New Photos

It has been a while since I posted any new artwork or photos. I have not had much time lately to photograph, draw, or paint. Perhaps later this year, I will get a chance too. I hope you enjoy the few photos I do have to share from earlier this spring.




Wish you all a blessed and safe holiday!

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Mt. Hood and Oregon's 2021 Winter Storm

Mt. Hood Area

Winter is one of my favorite seasons. I love how when the sun breaks out during the golden hours across a snowy landscape enriched with various colors. It can be quite breathtaking as one takes in all this beauty that God has created. 

Our first stop a couple of weeks ago was Jonsrud Viewpoint Park. The park is located north of Highway 26 on Bluff Road in Sandy, Oregon. The view of Mt. Hood and the Sandy River Valley is magnificent.     

Jonsrud Viewpoint


Moving on up Hwy 26 we stopped at several of the bunny slopes to let Kumori out to play in the snow. 

A couple of ravens huddled together in the cold.

My Family.

Oregon Winter Storm

Since late Christmas evening, we have been hit with a winter storm with temperatures in the 30s and accumulating at least 4 inches or more of snow, depending on where you live. It's a delightful, rare occurrence, and I daresay we had to go on an adventure amidst the white winter wonderland.

I pray you all had an amazing blessed Christmas and I pray that your New Year is filled with many blessings, joy, and peace. 

Keep on Creating!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Happy Veterans Day and New Cards!


Happy Veterans Day!

Today is a day to honor the men and women who have served in our armed services. These are men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving our country and protecting our freedoms.
I thank God for our servicemen and servicewomen and all the freedoms that we presently have. There are no words that can express the deep gratitude that I have for our veterans who have left their families and bravely faced dangers against radical terrorists, tyrants, and dictators to earn freedom for other countries, as well as our own. 
Thank you for all that you have done!

New Cards

I have newly designed cards available at my Zazzle store. These are just a few.

Pray you all have a blessed week!

Keep on Creating!