Saturday, August 6, 2011

Updates, New Work and Resource of the Week

Hello Everyone!
I have been having a lot of breathing problems as of late, due to my asthma, so haven't had a lot of energy as of late. I can't wait til fall, when the farmers are done plowing and tilling. I havent' been able to get outside much do anything or do any walks. However, I have been working on my miniature pieces for upcoming show in the fall at the Walters Cultural Arts Center in Hilsborro, Oregon . Hope to be sharing a couple of new miniatures with everyone by the end of next week.

I will be doing a upcoming color pencil eye tutorial for well known UK artist Melanie Phillips for her new site. I will let everyone know more about the details on next blog update

New Work

Title: "Red"
Medium: Color Pencil
Size: 8 x 10


Resource of the Week

I just discovered this site about a week ago. Very talented and inspiring artist Darrel Tank provides drawing lessons using his 5 step technique.

Take Care Everyone and Have Fun Creating!
Carol Moore