Monday, June 11, 2012

My Daughter's Graduation and Resources of the Week

Hello Everyone!
It has been such a busy past week with my daughter's high school graduation, I did not get time to work on my current work in progress at all. But have to share graduation photos. It's been a struggle for my daughter all year with math, getting senior project done and keeping up with grades, but she did an amazing job. And I love her very much and I am so very very proud of her.

Color Pencil Tip/Resource of the Week

Airbrushing with color pencils is a new technique I discovered through the Color Pencil Magazine. Artist Jo Goudie, , provided the step by step technique. Starting off first with dissolving lead tips from Derwent inktense  pencils into small jars with a bit of tepid water and letting them stand overnight. Once the lead is dissolved you feed it through the airbrush onto the surface of the paper and you want to apply it using many light layers to avoid buckling the paper. Let the paper dry for a few days, before applying color pencil to the surface.

I was thinking one might be able to do this with watercolor pencils. So it is something I intend to experment and play around with.
Some inexpensive airbrushes I found on Amazon some need propellants

Anyways, I hope you all have a great week!
Happy Creating!
Carol Moore
Great Week Picture Cards