Monday, August 26, 2013

New Graphite Autumn Fairy and New Colored Pencil/Graphite Artwork The Avengers Assassin

Hi Everyone!
We just got back from our vacation last week and it was so awesome to see the coast. It has been a long time since we had been down on the Oregon Coast. I miss it so much. These are some shots taken with my cell phone (since my camera is not working) down near Winchester Bay, Oregon.

New Graphite and Color Pencil Artwork
This past weekend was EMG Sketchfest
I didn't get a chance to participate a whole lot as my mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital and we visited her on Friday and Saturday evening.
Here are two graphite sketches up for sale there

Autumn Fae
Graphite, ink, color pencil and watercolor pencil
Reference photo by Janna Prosvirina

Mermaid with Pearl Earring
Reference photo by Jessica - Faestock

My newest color pencil and graphite piece "The Assassin" now up for sale at my Etsy Store

Resource of the Week
Hope kits
"Creating Hope is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization founded in 2000 by 36-year-old Jeanette Gianfagna Shamblen who was a breast cancer patient. She founded Creating Hope to help people cope with cancer through self-expression and creativity…inspiring them to find their way through each day toward survival. Creating Hope provides art materials and art events at no cost to cancer patients. The HOPE Kit contains art materials and instructions for painting watercolor bookmarks." You can sponsor a hope kit and send it to someone you know or for a cancer patient.

I hope you all have a blessed week!
Take Care!