Saturday, August 4, 2012

Work In Progress, Colored Pencil Tip and Resource of the Week

Hi Everyone!
It's been a while since I posted last. Last time I posted we were in the process of moving. We are finally all moved in to town and are slowly getting settled. It still feels all so surreal. We had to downsize quite a bit, as the house we moved into is quite a bit smaller than our previous home, but at least we are not having to breathe in black mold anymore.

After living in the country for 20 years, I think we are transforming into city dwellers quite well. The town of Carlton is so friendly and we are discovering wonderful restaurants and diners, such as the Deli Station, Cielo Blue's (amazing french cuisine), and Carlton Coffee Company. We plan on going to Carlton's Walk in the Park in a couple of weeks and will share photos then.

Cielo Blue Restaurant

We have a field behind us and get to hear and see - doves, quail, pheasant, deer and saw a coopers hawk the other day. Wished I had a good camera I would have gotten an awesome pic of him.

Field Behind Our House

Our four cats are slowly getting use to the new place, most of them have decided my art room is the place to hang out, as you can see Shadow here loves laying on the window sill in my art room.

Work In Progress

So here is an update on my latest work in progress. Presently working on the background. I worked on the rocks first, to complete a step by step on creating rocks with color pencil and watercolor pencil. I will be darkening those up after I complete the background.

Bear Creek

Colored Pencil Tip of the Week

Back in April, I shared on how I blend two colors together, using colored pencil. I came across a wonderful video today, by color pencil artist Janie Gildow. She demonstrates on how she blends two colors together. It's a great little excercise and I would like to encourage my followers to give it a try. The only thing different that I do is, I use a more of a vertical stroke, when applying color, whereas, Janie is using more of a circular stroke. And she is so right, working with colored pencil does take a lot of patience.  Check it out here

Resource of the Week

I just had to share this link of artist Johannes Wesmark. He is a photo realist working with colored pencil and watercolor. His landscapes are amazing!

Keep on creating everyone and have a great week!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Updates, Colored Pencil Tip of the Week and Resource of the Week

Hey Everybody!
It's been a busy couple of weeks, packing, cleaning and sorting. So, I haven't had anytime to work on my current work in progress. Did I mention how much I hate packing yet? I really hate moving too! Anyways, Wednesday, I have got to pack up all my art things, as the big move is on Friday. I will be without internet from Friday the 13th til Monday the 16th. I will be sure and post pictures of the new house, once we get everything moved in.

So since no current work in progress, I thought I would share two of my favorite very talented color pencil artists with you, to check out and
And Ann Kullberg's 13th Annual Member Show is now available for viewing. I have entered the show a couple of times in the past, but they changed the rules a few years back. Entries must use their own stock/reference photos. I purchase a lot of stock photos and/or use DA Stock, so many of my entries would be disqualified. 
This was one of my prior submissions, but it aroused a lot of flack because I used a stock photo from DA from one of my favorite models.

But I highly recommend you check the show out, some outstanding pieces.

Color Pencil Tip of the Week

This week I wanted to share how to transfer your sketch to your drawing surface. There is no right or wrong method. Just remember whatever method you use, some methods will not allow you erase lines very well.
Here are the following ways.
  1.  Free hand using a light color pencil or graphic pencil.
  2.  Use saral graphite transfer paper.
  3.  Use the grid method
  4.  Trace
  5.  Projector
  6.  Rub transfer
  7.  Light Box
Here are a couple of links to check out on some of the methods

Resource of the Week

An interesting article on why "Not All Art is Licensable"  by Joan Beiriger

I hope everyone has a great week!
Keep on creating!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Work In Progress, Color Pencil Tip of the Week and Resource of the Week

Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I have been so busy sorting, cleaning and packing to move to our new home, I haven't had a whole lot of time to draw. I have been trying to catch some drawing time in between all the packing. I was able to catch a couple of hours to participate in Ellen Millions Sketch Fest

The first, is an ACEO inspired by prompt "Snow White" done in Ebony and Derwent graphic pencil. The second is a sketch inspired by the prompt "The Violin Player". I didn't quite get this one done, I still have the background and hair to work on. This will be done in color pencil and part of my emotional/music series.

Work In Progress

So here is my latest work in progress. It's a landscape. It is going to be for a step by step demo on rocks. So I have started with the rocks first. Normally I would have started with the background first, but I needed to get the rocks done first to get the demo completed in time. All work is color pencil and watercolor pencil on watercolor paper.

Color Pencil Tip of the Week

Like the old masters, try building your composition first by using grays, complementary, or neutral colors then layer other colors on top of those layers. This technique is called Grisaille.
Colored pencil artist Arlene Steinberg has used this technique in some of her still life and floral works. It makes the colors rich and they intensify, as you can see in some of her works at her web site 
Here is a thread over at Wet Canvas that explains the technique Arlene used and some useful tips and ideas

Resource of the Week

How to register copyrights digitally

I hope you all have a great blessed Sunday and 4th of July!

Keep on creating!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Artwork Finished, Color Pencil Tip and Resource of the Week

Hi Everyone!
I am a couple days late on this post, but I haven't had any time to post. Things have been quite hectic with family and we are now moving to a new home. So I have been busy sorting, cleaning and packing. After 10 years+ living out in the country, we are moving into the city. It will be quite a change and I will miss it out here, but due to my health and my daughter getting services for her PDD, we have to move into town.
Anyways, I finally finished the current work in progress. I have to say this is one of the hardest portraits I have ever worked on due to having to go by such a small photograph. The eyes were the most difficult because of the poor photograph. I gave it to my mom today, but I am not sure if she really liked it. Hard to tell. She says it's cool, but my mom has never been a big fan or supporter of my artwork and especially color pencil.
Title: The Links
Medium: Color Pencil and Watercolor Pencil
Size: 13.75 x 11.0

Color Pencil Tip of the Week
Some color pencil artists will use color pencil dust to use as a base color or undertone. To create the dust, first use a small fine strainer or a sanding board and grate the pencil lead off into a fine powder. Next, apply the dust using  either a q-tip, cotton ball, or brush. Next, dip brush or q-tip into odorless mineral spirits and use painterly strokes onto the area of the dust, thus creating a toned underpainting. The mineral spirits liquefys the wax, creating more vibrant colors.

Resource of the Week
Huge resource on color pencil tips and techniques by artist Sheri Doty. Good section on Mineral Spirits and Solvents.

Hope you all have a great week!
Keep on Creating!

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Daughter's Graduation and Resources of the Week

Hello Everyone!
It has been such a busy past week with my daughter's high school graduation, I did not get time to work on my current work in progress at all. But have to share graduation photos. It's been a struggle for my daughter all year with math, getting senior project done and keeping up with grades, but she did an amazing job. And I love her very much and I am so very very proud of her.

Color Pencil Tip/Resource of the Week

Airbrushing with color pencils is a new technique I discovered through the Color Pencil Magazine. Artist Jo Goudie, , provided the step by step technique. Starting off first with dissolving lead tips from Derwent inktense  pencils into small jars with a bit of tepid water and letting them stand overnight. Once the lead is dissolved you feed it through the airbrush onto the surface of the paper and you want to apply it using many light layers to avoid buckling the paper. Let the paper dry for a few days, before applying color pencil to the surface.

I was thinking one might be able to do this with watercolor pencils. So it is something I intend to experment and play around with.
Some inexpensive airbrushes I found on Amazon some need propellants

Anyways, I hope you all have a great week!
Happy Creating!
Carol Moore
Great Week Picture Cards

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Updates, Color Pencil Tip of the Week & Resource of the Week

Hey Everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I have been so busy with family and my daughter's graduation.  I haven't had a lot of time as of late to draw. Plus we have plans to move at the end of July. So things will be only getting more hectic this summer. We are going to have to downsize a lot.
Next week is my daughter's last week of school and then she graduates on the 10th. So excited and proud of her. I will be posting gradation pictures next weekend!
Anyways, here's the most recent update of the portrait gift I am working on. As you can see by the photo next to it, I am having to work from not the best of reference photos. There is a lot of glare on their eyes and eyeglasses. It's been quite tedious, but I am going to push myself to finish it up this week and get it out of the way, as I want to start on a new landscape or portrait for color pencil mag contest and the deadline for that is September 1st.

I wanted to share a video that has some of my artwork and some other amazing talented artists works as well. The focus of the video is depression awareness, which many people battle. I have been working on a series of emotional pieces focused on some of the issues that cause depression - such as, divorce, sadness, hopelessness and loneliness. Be sure and check it out

I have some of my miniature artwork up for sale at my Etsy store and prints. You can check it out here

Color Pencil Tip of the Week

I always get a lot of questions from other artists on DA how do you do that in color pencil, it looks just like a photo???! I always say, " a lot of practice and patience". Which is true, it has taken me years to get where I am today, in working with color pencil, not just by practicing, but also by reading lots of books, articles, observing other artists techniques and styles, and I have gone to a workshop (hoping to go to more workshops when finances are not so tight)

To apply color pencil, you don't just start by scribbling on one color. You have to analyze the colors of your reference and determine what color pencils you will need to achieve those colors. It's lot like mixing watercolor paints to achieve a color you want, so it is the same for color pencils.

Color pencils are a translucent medium, so by laying down one layer of color on top of another the colors below show through. Much like watercolors.
To analyze and determine what colors from your reference you will need, you will first need to make something similar to like Ann Kullberg's value viewer to or buy her portrait tool kit.( It is a must have kit!) 
Look through the value viewer on your reference photo to zero on colors and compare, determine and match up color pencils to that area.

Or you can use what I use, a photo shop program. You use the color dropper tool on your reference image to determine what area a certain color is and then compare, determine and match up color pencils to that specific color.

Last of all, begin applying and layering lightest colors first, then  slowly work  up to the darkest colors, using a consistent light to medium pressure.

Resource of the Week

Derwent color pencil hints and tips

Hope you all have a great day!!
Keep on Creating and Practicing!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

WIP, Color Pencil Tip of the Week & Resource of the Week

Hello all my followers!
Today is the day of my youngest daughter's senior prom. I can't believe it is her last year of highschool. I am so proud of her. She has blossomed into a caring beautiful young lady. And she plans on going to artschool in Minnesota. There is no greater joy than our children. I shall post pictures later today, after we get her all dolled up. I can't wait :)

So here is an update. Just had to share these of my daughter getting ready for prom.
My Daughter Melissa
Melissa and her friend Elise

Something I wanted to share with everyone was this quote and it is something I hope none of us artists never give up on, even us "struggling starving artists", such as myself and to all future artists.

If you can imagine it,
You can achieve it;
If you can dream it,
You can become it.
~ William Arthur Ward


Work In Progress

So here is an update of my current work in progress. I am working on the clothing and background. All done in color pencil.

Mother's Day Gift

Color Pencil Tip of the Week

This week I wanted to share 6 different types of strokes I use when creating works with color pencil. The first is light pressure cross-hatching, light pressure and widely spaced stippling, circulism, circular-scrumbing, stippling closely overlapping and a soft-vertical stroke. I probably use the soft-vertical stroke and the circular-scrumbling the most, but I will use each one depending on the subject I am working on.

Resource of the Week

This week I wanted to share with everyone the Parklane Miniature Show. One of these days, when I have enough $$, I would love to participate in it. Maybe next year, if finances allow. Some beautiful works!

I hope you all  have a great weekend and happy creating!

Weekend Comments Picture Cards

Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Work In Progress, Color Pencil Tip of the Week & Resource of the Week

Hey Everyone!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have been having asthma problems so I haven't been going outside very much. They are plowing all the fields around us, which is making it worse.
However, I did step outside to see what God sent us the other day and today. A turkey. A Naragansett Turkey actually. It's definitley domesticated. I figure it must belong to one of the farmers nearby. Anyways, my two cats are trying to attack it, so I have been having to keep the little devils inside. I threw out some bird seed for it and it seems to like that, but I have no place to keep a turkey, other than an old run down chicken coop that is overrun by blackberry bushes. A very pretty bird. Wish I had a better camera to take a picture of it, but alas my camera bit the dust a few months back.

Work In Progress
So, I started the Mother's Day Gift piece. Doing this one completely in color pencil. I am presently working on the background right now.
 I had to scan it in two sections, as it is way to big for my scanner. So, I tried my best to get rid of the shadow in the center because of the two separate scans, but just couldn't. If anybody knows a technique to get rid of the shadow,  please let me know. I am working from pretty old photos, so I hope I can capture the likeness of each subject well.

Finished Work

So finally did the final touches to the first panel. I might make some more changes to it, as I begin to work on the second panel, to blend the two together. I will be selling them as a set.

Done in color pencil using warming board technique and eraser technique.

Color Pencil Tip of the Week

This week, I want to share with everyone the different pressures I use, when applying color pencil. I mainly use light to medium pressure, in building up my layers of colors. I wanted to show an example of what the pressures look like. As you can see from the example, the heavy pressure clearly differs from the light pressure.
The advantages of using light to medium pressure, verses medium to heavy pressure is the following:
  • more control over the area you are working on
  • easier to erase mistakes
  • less stress on your wrists and fingers
  • less wax bloom build-up
The disadvantages are the following:
  • longer time in completing a work
  • can lose tooth of paper, due to many layers

Resource of the Week

I stumbled upon Rhonda Bartoe's blog this past week. Be sure and check out her posts some wonderful color pencil tips

Bartoe Art - Color Pencil Mixing

Hope you all have a great week!
Hugs and Happy Creating!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Work in Progress, Colored Pencil Tip of the Week & Resource of the Week

Hello Everyone!
Today is a beautiful day outside. So, instead of working on my current work-in-progress, I am going to work outside in the garden.  But, I am nearly done with this art piece; I have only a few more touch-ups to complete. Originally this piece was supposed to be for a ceiling mural I was going to paint for our church, but due to the age of the building and other matters, the church board decided against it. This piece was done with colored pencils on Rising Stonehenge.

Colored Pencil Tip of the Week

This week I am going to share with everyone how I layer my colors to achieve another color. For this example, I start off using light to medium pressure, applying a layer of Greyed Lavender as shown below, then on top of that layer, I add a layer of Caribbean Sea. Next, I add a layer of Slate Grey, and then I add a layer of Cool Grey 70%. I repeat the process of the same layers of colors. Sometimes I will apply as many as 3 to 4 layers of the same colors until I get the value and color I need. I always use light to medium pressure. I never use hard pressure unless I am burnishing with a light color over the top of these layers of colors. I always start with the lightest colors first and work my way up to the darker colors by building up my layers.
After I have applied these layers of colors, I usually leave them as is or apply a solvent, colorless blender marker, or pencil, depending on the subject I am creating. But as you can see, the greyed lavender shows through the other layers of colors. It's a lot like mixing paints to achieve the color you want, but you are layering different colors instead to achieve a particular color.

Resource of the Week


A social network site that has been getting more views than google+, linkedin and youtube combined.
Some huge controversy over Pinterest in regards to copyright issues though, and I can see the concerns, when artists are not given credit. I have a Pinterest account and I am using it to share my artwork and photography and to share some of my favorite artists works with credit. Pinterest is also a great way to gather some ideas and inspirations for creating some new works. Add me if you like

I hope you all have a great weekend and happy creating!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Work In Progress, Color Pencil Tip of the Week, & Resource of the Week

Hello Everyone!
Things have been hectic as of late and I haven't had much time to work on my newest work in progress. So in my last blog post, I mentioned how I constructed my own icarus board by using an old light table board and heating pad. The technique is really quite fun. I am going through my pencils way faster though and I have to brush away debris more often, but the rich colors one can achieve are wonderful. I have been layering down a few layers of colors and then I place my work on top of the heated board and then blend the colors with a lighter color. I also have just tried blending and layering the colors while on the heated board, which really has a quite vivid rich effect. It's a wonderful technique and I urge everyone to either purchase an icarus board or make up your own. It's quite fun. So here is the latest update on my recent work in progress.

Color Pencil Tip of the Week
So I have been asked before, how do I get such realistic results with my works. Really it's all in blending and layering many different colors. I start off with my lightest colors first, then I work my way up to darker colors. And I always try to start with the background first. As you can sort of see in this work in progress.

Next week, I will show a step by step in how I layer different colors to achieve a particular color.

Resource of the Week
A great resource for all color pencil artists on Color Pencil Tools and Techniques by artist Sheri Lynn Boyer

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Happy Creating!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Work In Progress, Color Pencil Tip of the Week and Resource of the Week

Hi Everyone,
My computer died last week, so I wasn't able to post on my blog any updates. Presently, using my husband's laptop til I can get a new laptop. Fortunately, I had most of my important files all backed up on my external hard drive, but I really miss my computer as it had all my photo shop programs and web site developing programs. And I miss my Firefox. I donot like IE but must live with it til I get my own computer.
Anyways, starting this week I will be sharing color pencil tips and if you head over to my facebook page you can participate in a free Easter Giveaway

New Work In Progress
A new Easter piece. I am working on the background right now and I am not sure on the title yet. I am hoping to get it done by Sunday, if time allows. The medium is color pencil.

Color Pencil Tip of the Week

Some of you may be familiar with Ester Roi's Icarus Board  It's a great product or tool for using with color pencils, crayons, oil pastels or encaustics. Well, since my budget is limited I have invented my own homemade icarus board by using my lap easel, heating pad and plastic sheet board that use to be on an old lighttable of mine. I can set the temperature to either low, medium or high. It is a great way to blend and melt the colors together creating vibrant colors. As you can see, in the above work in process, using this tool, I was able to take an eraser over the colors creating some interesting textures and effects in the clouds. So if you can't afford an Icarus Board, I urge you to try and come up with a homemade board and explore and experiment, it is so much fun.

Resource of the Week

A great color pencil study excercise. Be sure and check out her other color pencil excercises.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter Weekend!

Take Care!
Carol Moore  

✿║╔══╝────╔╝╚╗✿.。.:* *.:。.✿


Premier Colored Pencil Sets set of 48

Premier Colored Pencil Sets set of 48

These soft, thick lead pencils have been enhanced with a better bonding process, providing professional, artist quality color while resisting breakage. They provide high blendability, excellent lightfastness, and a smooth laydown that will not scratch.Unmatched in brilliance, Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils are perfect for illustration, renderings, landscape, and portraiture. The pencils are non-toxic, AP certified, and do not contain rainforest wood.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Work and Resource of the Week

Hi Everyone!
Just a little bit to share - my newest work. Still working on revamping my website and I will have some new products available at my zazzle soon.

I have new piece to share. My version of the Irish princess Isolde.
Title is Isolde
Medium is color pencil, watercolor pencil and iridescent acrylic

A great resource for artists

Hope you all have a great week!

Royalty Free Images

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Updates and Resource of the Week

Hey Everyone!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Lots of new updates to share. First, I now have tubes available on my site for sale. More will be added soon, but my first three are up and ready for purchase. Check it out here  I plan on adding digi stamps to my site as well and will have more updates about that soon. Also, I have a new gallery section, the Encouragement Gallery  all a dedicated to cancer patients and survivors. Thirty percent of all sales are donated to any of the breast cancer organizations listed.


Latest work in progress done in color pencil. Still working on the background and hair.


New Sets From Prismacolor at Jerry's including the new and re-released colors and they are now accepting applications for the World of Art Showcase

Hope you all have a great day!
Keep on Creating!
Carol Moore

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Updates and Resource of the Week

Hi everybody :)
It's been a while since I lasted posted, my apologies, I have just been so busy with family. I have been trying to squeeze in drawing, when I can. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in January, and I have been going/taking her to the hospital for her appointments. She starts radiation treatments next month for 3 weeks, 5 days a week, which will take up even more of my time. But I am hoping to start on a new art project within the next day or two and have a couple of commissions coming up as well and plan on another color pencil kit of either a eye or flower.

I have some new artwork to share.

The first is an all new color pencil kit - "The Butterfly - Creating Soft Focus Backgrounds" ~ beginning to advanced level   Price: $3.50 Downloadable pdf  here
Plus a short tutorial of "The Butterfly - Creating Soft Focus Backgrounds" will be featured in Sally Ford's Colored Pencil Magazine in the March 2012 issue.
Buy your copy here

Next I have a new emotional piece "String To My Heart". Done in color pencil
I wanted to convey how one can be deeply, desperately in love, no matter how badly they are being treated or no matter what happens in the relationship, yet that thread to your heart can be very fragile, can be easily twisted and torn apart or broken. If you look close, you will find hidden hearts throughout the piece.


As of about three weeks ago, I decided to end my partnership with Paypal, due to the fact they are now holding any of my sales from ebay, etsy and my site + shipping and handling fees for 21 days, before I am allowed to access them. So, I am now in the process of changing everything on my website over to Google Checkout and Ejunkie. Very happy with the setup and now my customers can download the kits directly to their computer without me having to email them the file. I now have an all new policy page up on my site located here

Making more changes to my website, over the next few months I will be adding an all new tube/sig tag section. Prices will range from $1.80 for individual works to $5.00 for packs. More details about this  coming soon and will be updating my terms of use page as well.

I also decide to add a new section to my gallery, (still working on the title, but will have PINK in it) that is  dedicated to Breast Cancer, with my artwork to purchase and % donated to any breast cancer organizations listed -  more details about this coming soon.


A great resource for all artists, is this great blog entry by Kate Harper, on 22 free stock photo websites. Check it out!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Updates, Valentine Giveaway and Resource of the Week

Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Lots to share with you all.

First of all, my artwork, "Bring Me To Life", has been featured in February's issue of Ann Kullberg's CP Color Pencil Magazine, along with some very talented color pencil artists. Thank you Ann so much!
Bring Me To Life

Second, I am presently working on a all new tutorial for Sally Ford's Color Pencil Magazine I won't be able to share any work in progresses on this one, but will let you know what issue it will be out in.

Third, I would like to share the finished piece of "I'm Broken" A dedication to my mom who was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Done in color pencil. First work of 2012.
I'm Broken

And last of all, I just posted up some new items for sale up at my Etsy store - be sure and check them out here


(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯) "Happy Valentines Day
*`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´ ♥
☆ º ♥ `•.¸.•´ ♥ º ☆.¸¸.•´¯`♥

Starting today, I am going to be having a free Valentine Give-a-way. Refer someone to my facebook page and/or newsletter on my website  and you will be entered to win a free print.
Just leave a comment here if you do, or on my facebook page and who you referred. Drawing will be held February 13th.


Like to introduce everyone to Carol Rosinski's site. It is a vast resource for artists, with lessons, tips and techniques, books, kits, videos and more.
I love her depiction on what a miniature art is, "The Secret of Small"
Be sure and check out her miniature works of art.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Work In Progress and Resource of the Week

Hello Everyone!
I hope everyone's New Year has started off well. Unfortunately, mine hasn't started off to well, I just found out last Friday, that my mom has breast cancer. It just seems not to long ago, in December 2007,  I just lost my dad to lung cancer. Memories flooding back.
Anyways my newest work in progress is a dedication to my mom. I doubt if I will ever show her this piece, as she has never really cared for my type of artwork. She has always wanted me to be rich famous with works just like Thomas Kinkade.  Well there is only one Thomas Kinkade and I feel I am rich enough just having the opportunity to draw/paint what inspires me and time allows me.
This piece is all done in color pencil. Originally, inspired by a sketch prompt at Ellen Million's Sketchfest

I have been reading the book "How to Survive & Prosper as an Artist" by Caroll Michels
I highly recommend all artists get this book and read it. I have just only started to read it, but I have  been learning so much about art marketing and pricing one's artwork. A must have for your library. Deeply inspiring me and motivating me.


I just had to share artist, Lynn Bonnette's blog. I just lover her style. She calls it the "Lynneristic Style". She creates small works of art of animals, in particular of mice and cats, in watercolor, color pencil and acrylics.  I love her latest piece "Blue Mouse Hat". I encourage you to check out her blog and works and see her enchanting and very inspiring works

I hope you all have a great week!
God Bless!
Carol Moore