Sunday, May 16, 2021

New Wildlife Colored Pencil Work-In-Progress of Mountain Goat


A bit further along on my work-in-progress. The surface paper is 9"x12" 400 series assorted tints Strathmore Artagain paper. I am using the tinted paper - Ivory. 

Also, I am using Terracotta Prismacolor Verithin for the grisaille or under drawing of this part of the work-in-progress. I chose the color terracotta to bring out the cooler colors and complementary colors I will be applying in the rocks, sheep and sky. Once I get more of the fur done and the sky, I will begin layering colors on top of the grisaille. 

Most under drawings or grisaille is done with a monochromatic color such as sienna, terracotta, grays or indigo blue. It is a great way to form details and shadows, very much similar to achieving a black and white photo. 

Garden Flowers

God has blessed us with some beautiful weather and I had to share some recent photos from the garden. This is my favorite time of the year as flowers are just starting to bloom.


Part of the Columbine Family



Carlton, Oregon

Keep on Creating!

Have a blessed week!