Monday, November 8, 2010

Update on Commission Work In Progress

So getting near the end. Working on the skin, mouth area and nose area. I will go back and fix the eyes and darken the hair once I have completed the rest.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Commission Work In Progress and Art Marketing

Work In Progress:
Update on my recent commission
Working on the eyes and skin now. I see areas on the right eye and eyebrow I need to work on and still need to darken the hair a bit more.  I will be saving the mouth area for the very last as it will be the most challenging part. The client wants no mustache,  so I will be drawing the mouth area without the mustache.

Art Marketing:
One of the challenges of selling one's artwork is learning how to market one's work. It's exceptionally difficult in today's economy
Here are some great links on marketing your art.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Commission Work In Progress and Update on Procedure

Good evening everyone! 
Well I made it through the procedure with no problems on Tuesday. The doctor removed polyps from the stomach and colon and did several biopsies. I won't know the results of the biopsies for about a week. However, he did not discover any reason for the pain I have been having, on my  left side. So I guess now I go see an internist, to see if they can help me out.
Thank you all for your prayers. Much appreciated!! ((hugs))

Commission Work In Progress:
Here's an update of my latest work in progress. I am working on the eyes now and defining the eyebrows and ears. I see now I still need to darken up the hair a little bit more on the left side and top area. So will go back on work on that area after I finish up the eyes, eyebrows and ears.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Update on Work In Progress

Good morning everybody! I started the clear liquid diet yesterday and then began drinking the prep solution. Let me tell you that is the most terrible tasting stuff I have ever had. And there is so much of it, I almost got sick. Felt sick all night long and the bathroom was my best friend last night.. And I still have a little bit more of the prep solution I have to finish.  I go in for the procedure later this afternoon, so hoping and praying that all goes well. Please include me in your prayers today. Thanks!

Commission Work In Progress:

I started working on the eyes. I will move to the eyebrows, forehead and ears. Right now I just layered down two very light  layers of base coats of cream and pale peach around the eyes, forehead and ears. I want to finish up the eyes before I lay down any more layers of color.
I still can't get the scan to pick up the right colors. The hair is much darker than what it's showing.  So tomorrow I will try my other scanner, to see if it makes a difference.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Work In Progress Update, New Photos, and Ebay Fraud

Good morning everyone! It's 6:50 am here. I begin my clear liquid diet today, for the colonoscopy and endoscopy on Tuesday. Asking for prayers that all goes well on Tuesday. I was in a lot of pain yesterday, but doing a little better this morning.

Commission Work In Progress:
I have a little more darkening of the hair to do and blending of the background, then I will move onto the face. The scan is not picking up the true color of the blue background or the hair exactly.  I will see if I can't adjust that, next time I scan.

New Photos:
I have some new photos to share with you. I will be compiling a new floral calendar, after I finish up the commission I am presently working on.

Spring's Promise

Morning's Kiss

Morning Dew

Ebay Fraud:

I thought I would share this little information that Jillian Crider posted over at the miniature artwork group.
Jillian is a very talented miniaturist and runs the ebay ACEO group.
This is some info and some links,  in regards to art fraud on ebay.
I thought it was pretty interesting, because the majority of the frauds are ACEOs done in color pencil or painting over prints. I didn't realize this was happening on ebay. I don't know if any of the collectors realize it either.
I have been told, there is a way to tell if it is a painting over a print or drawing over a print, just hold it up to the light and you will see lots of pink/magenta dots from the printer.
I also thought this was pretty interesting tol "eBay Refuses to Enforce Their Own Policy - What makes this especially frustrating, is that it extends beyond copyright infringement and art fraud. The use of celebrity images violates eBay's own policy. According to eBay's Faces, Names and Signatures policy: "Sellers are not permitted to list an item containing the image, likeness, name, or signature of another person unless the product was made or authorized by that person."
Correct me if I am wrong, this would mean you would have to get a model release or some sort of signed contract. There are many artists that create celebrity/movie ACEOs and sell them on ebay. I don't think many of them realize it's a copyright infringement, unless they get permission to do so.

Blog on ebay fraud busters

Jillian's review of fake art on ebay

Video on how fake art is made

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Work In Progress Update

Nearly done with the hair. I have some more darkening up and details to add. I applied a real light layer of blue to the background. Once done with the hair, will add more blues to the background.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Work In Progress Update

Work In Progress 2
Done working on the shirt for now, Will go back and work on the shirt some more, after I work on the hair. Colors using on the hair are cloud blue, lt. cerulean blue, indigo blue, black grape, black cherry, cool grey 10% and 20%,  dk brown, and  black

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Commission

I started on a new commission yesterday. A miniature 5" x 5" portrait drawing on 9" x 9" Stonehenge paper done in color pencil.

Just working on the shirt first, then onto hair and background.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Refuge of Hope" Finished and Updates

Well, I finally finished up "Refuge of Hope" a dedication to this month's Breast Cancer Awareness, to all the breast cancer survivors, to all the women who are fighting breast cancer and to two time breast cancer survivor :iconjunkbyjen: and her yearly Think Pink contest.
Prints are available at my DA page here
I will be selling the original unframed for $100.00 and 20% of the sale will be going to the Susan G. Komen.
Contact me at if you are interested in purchasing it.

I had quite a scare yesterday. I went into the hospital last week for a mammogram, the hospital called yesterday and  wanted to do further testing, as something looked suspicious. Well today found out the results are benign. Praise the Lord!

With everything that is happening to me lately, medically, I am beginning to feel like Job in the Bible. But even though Job had so many troubles, he remained steadfast in his faith and love for God and he persevered. An example we all should follow. Even though times are at it's hardest, and satan keeps throwing burdens at us left and right, there is always hope and God will never let us bear, more than what we can handle.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the
    Lord his hope and confidence.
                                                                                      - Jeremiah 17:7

Monday, October 11, 2010

Update On New WIP 5

She's starting to come to life now. Decided to stick with a limited palette, as I wanted the pink to be the main focus. October is the month for Breast Cancer Awareness. This is my dedication for Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer and two time breast cancer survior Jen
I will be putting this up for bid on ebay after completed, and a % of the sale will be going to Susan G. Komen.
Working on the body and face. Will get back to the wings later.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Work In Progress and my dog Remi

Started a new work in progress last week. I am presently working on the hair. I am still trying to decide whether or not to leave this to a limited palette or not.
This is my dedication piece for the "Think Pink V" contest, Jen
who is hosting the contest, is a breast cancer survivor. To read more about the contest check it out here

This is going to be a hard week for all of us, as we are going to have to put down our beloved yellow lab,  Remi.  We have had her since she was a puppy. She is now 13 years old and her bladder and kidneys are failing. So we decided this Thursday, we will be putting her down. It's the hardest thing to do, to put down a member of the family. And she is like family.  Wish we could do it earlier, but payday isn't til then. I am going to be balling all week and I am going to miss her so much. I am balling right now. We did everything together - we went on walks together,  we did the chores around the farm together, we went on car trips/rides together. I will be doing a dedication drawing for the best dog ever ~ Remi

Hope you all have a great week and thanks for looking!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Sketches and Feeling Terrible

Good morning everyone!
Well, I didn't make it to church this morning. I am feeling terrible. I started taking a new antibiotic last night, that the doc prescribed and not feeling well at all. I can't put off the gastroenterologist anymore. Next payday I need to make an appointment and get into see him.  Every time, I take an antibiotic it starts to hurt my stomach and the protonix is not helping. Only this time I am feeling pressure on my chest.  But the pain in my kidney is continuing, just not as bad and the pain in my stomach has gotten worse.
So I will be making this post short.

I just had to share my latest sketches from Ellen Millions September's Sketch Fest held on Friday and Saturday 
It was a lot of fun. Wish I was faster. Some amazing entries.
I was able to do more drawings this time. Three of them I am really happy with how they turned out. They need more work and I plan to do all three in color pencil. I have to start working on my other two sketches first from a prior sketch fest first. I just started my Think Pink V dedication piece. I will be sharing my work in progress by the end of the week.

Hope you all have a great week!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Updates and Baby Kittens

Hello Everyone :)
Well, school started for the girls right after Labor Day. I am back to being the very busy chauffeur for everybody. It really tends to interrupt my drawing time during these shorter daylight months, as I like to draw next to the window light during the daytime, but I will make the best of it. I do have an Ott lamp and a Bell & Howell lamp I like to use at night time, but the colors just aren't as true as what you see in window daylight. If I ever get a studio built, it's going to have lots of windows. Love window light.

Jennifer and I, have been busy taking care of 4 baby kittens. Something has happened to the mother, as she has been missing now for 3 weeks. I will try to get pictures to share soon of the little ones. They are so cute :D

I finally finished up the Orange and White Tabby Cat for CAPS  yearly art auction. I am really pleased how this one turned out. I think the colors blended well together.

I also updated my James and Giant Peach Daydream entry. I wanted to darken up the colors a bit more and worked on the background some more. I didn't place, but it was so much fun working on this piece.

My next projects will be the Think Pink V dedication piece, working on a new Christmas piece, Ellen Millions sketches and a new emotional and spiritual piece.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Take Care and God Bless!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Work In Progress

A new work in progress. It's a donation piece for CAPS  The reference photo is from dreamstime. I really liked the pose and something about orange tabby's I have always liked.  I have been working on this new miniature now off and on for about 2 weeks. A lot of detail and trying to work with limited colors has been a real hindrance. I wish I had a color pencil that was a pale orange not to golden.  A deco orange might be perfect, but unfortunately Prisma doesn't offer the decos anymore and presently don't have the $$ to get the colors I need. School time for the girls, has drained our pockets dried. Anyways, got about a week to get it finished. So hope to have a finished piece to show everybody real soon.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Works and Updates

Hey Everyone,
It's been a while since I last posted. I have been so busy with family. I hope all of my follower's are doing well and are having a fantastic summer.
We finally got a new car. So thankful that God opened the doors for us to get buy a new one. Our old car we traded in,  was on it's last wheel, so to speak. It almost even didn't make to the car sales lot. We were getting pretty worried. Now I can actually start going to shows, fairs, etc. without worrying, whether my car will make it or not.

I finally finished my newest work for the James and The Giant Peach Contest. Didn't make it into the finalist category, but it was fun to work on this piece. I was rushing to get this piece done and since I did not win, I plan on working on the detail a little more at a later time. First, I have few other works I need to get done.

I just posted some new items for sale up at my Zazzle store stop on by and check them out

make custom gifts at Zazzle

As of the August 11th, my artwork and photography will no longer be free for psp users to create sig tags, tubes, stationery etc., My art, prints of my art, and tubes of my art may now be purchased at Artistic Dreams Imaging,

And last of all, The Think Pink V Contest is underway going on til October 3rd.
Read all the info here
I will be donating a 8 x 12 print of Send Me A Song to the Tradtional winner and a feature for all the winners for a month.

It's for a great cause - the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Take Care Everyone!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Updates and Skin Tone Tutorial Pt. 4

Hey Everyone,
It's been a while since I posted anything. The whole family has been battling this bronchitis/walking pneumonia for about 4 weeks now. Just now starting to feel better. Now my hubby just came down with it on Sunday. I just pray my youngest daughter does not come down with it again. Her immune system is not very strong. And I pray I don't get it again either, as I had a reaction to the antibiotics and wasn't able to take all of them.

We have been trying to see about buying a house, but we think God is closing the door on that, for us right now. Instead, we think, He is trying to tell us to go buy a car or we will be walking. The car situation is not too good. Three cars are sitting in the driveway and all but one is driveable, just barely.

Anyways, I haven't been drawing too much as of late. I did finish up the skin tone tutorial about a week or so ago and I am almost done with my egret ACEO I have been working on. Motivation has not been so high, due to all this sickness. I hope to be sharing the newest ACEO with you all soon.

Follow Along Skin Tone Tutorial Pt.4
This will be the last part of this tutorial. I am already working on the tutorial as a whole lesson for my website and DA.
So continuing on where we left off last time....

Color Pencils You Will Need
Prismacolor Light Peach PC927
Prismacolor Seashell Pink PC1003
Prismacolor Peach PC939Prismacolor Pink PC929
Prismacolor Clay Rose PC1017
Prismacolor Burnt Ochre PC743
Derwent Coloursoft Pale Brown C220
Prismacolor Greyed Lavendar PC1026
Derwent Coloursoft Mid Brown C600
Prismacolor Dark Brown PC946
Prismacolor Dark Umber PC947
Prismacolor Black PC935

Start off by adding a light layer of Pink PC929 in the shaded and detailed areas. Then add a light to medium layer of Clay Rose PC1017. Use medium pressure in the shaded and detailed areas and light pressure in the other areas.  Next, add a light layer of Peach PC939 blending the layers of colors together.

 Next add a light to medium layer of Burnt Ochre and then Pale Brown in the shaded and detailed areas. Adding more pressure in along the edge of the bottom part of the arm and in and around the fingers. Then add a light layer of Seashell Pink PC1003 blending the two colors together and evening the colors out.

 Now apply a light to medium pressure of Greyed Lavendar PC1026 in the shaded and detailed areas. Next, apply a light to medium pressure of  Dark Brown PC946 in the lower part of the arm's shaded and detailed areas and just slightly in the upper right part of the arm. Use medium pressure of the Dark Brown along the lower edge of the arm and up and around the fingers. As you will see the Greyed Lavendar tones down the orange-peach tone. Even out and blend the colors with a light layer of Clay Rose.

 Lastly,  apply a light to medium layer of Dark Umber PC947 and then a light layer of  Black PC935 along the lower edge of the arm and in around the fingers. Even out and blend the colors with Greyed Lavendar and Peach.

Thanks for following along. I will have the full tutorial up on my site later tonight and up on my DA Gallery.
The images will be much bigger and explained a little better as well.
Hope you all are having a great summer and Happy Creating!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Fawn and Battling a Virus

My newest ACEO is now up for bid on ebay
The Fawn done in color pencil . The ACEO is part of an All Group ACEO for the Yahoo Animal Artwork Group
Each artist will be donating a certain percentage of their sale to a non-profit rescue/shelter organization.

10% of this sale will be going to Nature World Wildlife Rescue Inc., which is out of Florida. They facilitate the rescue, rehabilitation and hopeful release of sick, injured and/or orphaned wildlife found in the Nature Coast Region of Florida. They are presently gearing up for the spill. I plan on doing a series of wildlife ACEOs to help out with the Gulf Oil Spill.

This ACEO was created with reference stock from Dreamstime.

Garsh my summer has not been so great very far,  I have been battling a respiratory virus for over a week now. Just when I feel like I am getting better, the cough starts to get worse. Last night, I was coughing so hard, I could taste blood in the back of my throat.  My chest is really hurting today. I go into the doctor on the 7th, so if things aren't better by then,  I guess I will have to get some antibiotics oh and I am sure she will make me get an x-ray. I haven't drawn anything for the past few days because of it, but pushing myself today. I am working on another ACEO, that I plan to donate part of the sale to the Marine Mammal Center. Then after that I have to start working on my entry for the Think Pink V contest - all for  Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer awareness. So I have got to get busy.

I hope everyone else is having a better summer than me.
Take Care and Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Fathers Day, Sketches and Follow Along Skin Tone Tutorial Pt. 3

Hello Everyone!
Been a rough week for me. Last Friday I was at the doctor's and hospital most of the day. I had to get a cat scan. The doctor thought I had diverticulitis or some infection in the intestine. The pain went away, after they shot me with iodine, but Sunday I started to feel not so well again. It's been a pretty rough couple of weeks. I started to feel better yesterday, but will be getting into a gastrinologist within the next week or two. And now I am coming down with that respiratory virus that the girls have had. Oh what a fun way to start off the summer break. :(

Happy Fathers Day!

I hope all the dads out there,  have a wonderful Father's Day tomorrow. This time of year I really miss my dad a lot. It's been 3 years now since he died from cancer.
A Happy Father's Day to my husband who is truly a blessing, who is always there for me when I need him and who is always so supportive. I am so thankful he is in my life.

Sketches to Share
Just had to share two sketches I did at yesterday's Ellen Millions June Sketch Fest
It was so much fun. I look forward to participating in it again.
I will be reworking these a sketches a bit more but plan to work on these soon.
Butterfly Blessings
 Victorian Rose Maiden

Follow Along Skin Tone Tutorial Pt. 3
Continuing on from the last part, here is a list of color pencils needed for this section.

Color Pencils
  1. Prismacolor Light Peach PC927
  2. Prismacolor Seashell Pink PC1003
  3. Prismacolor Peach PC939
  4. Prismacolor Mineral Orange PC1033
  5. Prismacolor Rosy Beige PC1019
Begin by applying a layer of Peach PC939 using medium pressure in the shaded and detailed areas and light pressure in the other areas. Next apply a light layer of Seashell Pink PC1003 over some of the areas of  Peach PC939 blending the layers of colors together.

Next add a layer of Mineral Orange PC1033, using light to medium pressure, shaping and detailing in the darkest areas of the arm. Apply a light layer of Peach PC939 over the layer of Mineral Orange PC1033, blending and smoothing out the layers of colors.

The next color is Rosy Beige. Apply a light layer along the edge of the arm and in the shaded and detailed areas. This color will start to tone down the other layers of colors. Use light layer of Peach PC939 and Light Peach PC927 to blend all the colors together where needed.

Next week will continue adding the dark colors and defining the details and shaded areas.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Follow Along Skin Tone Tutorial Pt. 2

Skin Tone Tutorial Part 2
Okay so we left off applying layers of cream, pale peach and light peach.
So here is a list of the colors you need for this section.

Color Pencils Needed
  1. Prismacolor Cream PC914
  2. Derwent Coloursoft Pale Peach C570
  3. Prismacolor Light Peach PC927
  4. Derwent Coloursoft Soft Pink C170
  5. Prismacolor Deco Pink (now discontinued but available in the Prismacolor Verithin 743)
  6. Derwent Coloursoft Light Sand C580
  7. Prismacolor Pink Rose PC1018
  8. Prismacolor Seashell Pink PC1003
  • Remember to keep your points sharp.
  • To avoid getting debris on the surface of your paper, wipe the tips of your pencil before applying the layers of color on a cloth, tissue, or I use my sleeve or pant leg. 
  • Rotate your pencil around as you are applying the layers of color, it will help keep your strokes consistent and smooth.
  • Keep the surface of your paper clean by wiping periodically with makeup brush or drafting brush.
  • To hide or remove flecks or specks of color that appear on the surface of your paper, use cream or pale peach lightly over the spot.
We are going to start off with this section applying a layer of Derwent Soft Pink C170 over the layers of cream, pale peach and light peach. Using light to medium pressure. Applying medium pressure in shadowed and detailed areas.
Apply the Deco Pink the same way, applying medium pressure in detailed and shadowed areas.
Next, apply the color Derwent Coloursoft Light Sand C580 using light to medium pressure. You want to be shaping the details and shadows of the hand and arm with this color. Then lightly apply a layer of Prismacolor Cream PC914 and Pale Peach C570  back over the top of the Light Sand C580, blending and evening out the Light Sand color towards the highlights of the center of the arm.

Now apply a layer of Prismacolor Pink Rose PC1018 using light pressure, shaping the details and shadows of the hand and arm. Next, apply a light layer of Prismacolor Seashell Pink PC1003 over the Pink Rose to even out the tone, blend the colors and draw in the details of the hand. And finally, add another light layer of Light Peach PC927 and Pale Peach C570 to blend and even out the colors towards the highlights of the center of the arm.
Note: The Pink Rose PC1018 can tend to leave specks, so keep to a light touch and try to keep your strokes consistent and points sharp.
Next week we will begin applying the darker colors and working on the shadows and details of the hand.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Follow Along Skin Tone Tutorial and Etsy

Follow Along Skin Tone Tutorial
I have had a few requests for a skin tone tutorial, so I thought I would do one here on my blog, breaking the tutorial up over a few weeks, giving viewers a chance to follow along and share what they accomplished at the end. I will be putting this tutorial up on my web site and DA gallery, when completed.

Materials Needed
Reference photo of a arm ( I am using a reference photo from WC Stock on DeviantArt )
8.0" x 11.0" Professional Grade Acid free Drawing Paper (I suggest Rising Stonehenge)
Electric Pencil Sharpener
Makeup or drafting brush
Drawing pencil

First 3 Color Pencils Needed
  1. Prismacolor Cream PC914
  2. Derwent Coloursoft Pale Peach C570
  3. Prismacolor Light Peach PC927
Note: Make sure to try and keep your color pencils sharp at all times unless stated otherwise.

Start off first, doing a light sketch of the arm. I made my sketch a little darker than normal, so the scan would pick up the lines. If you make the lines too dark, you can go back and lighten dark pencil marks with an eraser.
Next, apply a layer of Prismacolor Cream over the entire arm, using light to medium pressure. Use medium pressure in areas that are of darker value and light pressure in areas of lightest value.
After that, layer Derwent Coloursoft Pale Peach over the cream, using a light to medium pressure. Using the medium pressure again over the areas that are darker in value and light pressure over the lightest values.
Last, apply a layer of Prismacolor Light Peach, using again light to medium pressure. Using the medium pressure in areas that are darkest in value.
Next week, will pick up from this stage and continue on with the lesson....
If you would like to share or have any questions feel free to comment or email me at

For those who don't know about Etsy , it is a place to buy and sell handmade items. From art to jewelry. You can also buy arts and craft supplies there as well.

I have had a store over at Esty now for a couple of years. I have made a total of 8 sales and just made my ninth sale, last Sunday on May 30th. The only problem with my last sale was, the buyer didn't pay me, til today.  I emailed  the buyer once, prior to this, the day after the initial sell,  notifying them I could not ship out the artwork, until I received payment. No reply. I waited for another 6 days, today, before I sent out the second notice. A policy I keep on Ebay is the buyer has 7 days to pay me, before I report them and re-list the item. Etsy's policy is payment should be made within 3 days, before the seller should take action.

I have been pondering all day, did I handle the situation well with the customer. Communication is important when being the seller. It is important to let the buyer know how much you appreciate the sale and appreciate their interest in your artwork.After all, they might be a returning customer.
However, I find it very interesting, when someone purchases your artwork on Etsy or Ebay, why some people fail to pay the buyer right away. Especially, when payment is directly through Paypal only and once you click on the buy it now button, you go right to Paypal. This has happened to me twice now, when the customer delayed in paying for the item. The first time, the buyer got upset, when I sent a second invoice, but she did let me know when she intended on paying me. This second time, no response at all. How do you handle a customer like that.?
I have done some research and have come up with a list of tips and ways of handling non-paying customers through Etsy and/or Ebay.
I hope this list may help other artists in dealing with customers.
  • Specify in your listing or store policy clear expectations - when the payment needs to be received or the payment deadline. Three to seven days is a good time, unless a site policy is already in place.. 
  • Specify in your listing what will happen to buyers, if they choose not to pay.
  • Communication!  Prompt follow-up and communication is a must through invoice via paypal, etsy or ebay. Your first communication should be a courteous e-mail congratulating and/or thanking the buyer the day the purchase has been made. Let the buyer know the item is packed and ready to ship out as soon as payment is received. 
  •  Try providing incentives for buyers to promptly send payments -  Like buy and pay today and get same day shipping.
  • If you do not hear anything from the  buyer within 3 days of purchase, attempt another communication follow-up. Again tell the buyer, until payment has been received, you cannot send the item they purchased. Ask the buyer if he or she has plans to pay for the item or not, so that way you can cancel the transaction and re-list the item. 
  •  After 7 days or more have passed and you have still not received a payment or any communication, send a final email, explaining to the buyer, that since they have failed to pay for the item within the allotted time frame, they have left you no alternative, but to report as non-payment and cancel the transaction. You might still give them another 24 hour waiting period just to see if you get a response, if not cancel transaction and provide proper feedback for non-payment and non-communication buyer.

A couple of interesting Links on Etsy
Etsy Customer Service Tips - is a Four Letter Word -

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Update on new Work In Progress

I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend! We went to the movies and saw the Prince of Persia. The movie was okay. It wasn't quite what I anticipated. It kind of reminded me of the Mummy and Aladdin mixed together. It did kind of inspired me to do a drawing one day - kind of based on the theme. Will add it to the list of mile high art projects to do. :D
After the movies, we went to the cemetery to place flowers on my dad's grave and grandparents grave. I think the girls are finally starting to understand what Memorial Day really represents. At least I hope so. So many strong and brave soldiers have fought for our freedom and I thank God for them. I pray that the Lord will bless them and their families.

Here is the latest update on Alice. It's taking me a little bit longer than anticipated to complete and I have taken a couple days break from it and I will now finish adding final details etc. today or tomorrow. I keep saying I am going to finish it, and then something will interrupt the drawing process or I find something I need to work on more :)

Also,  I have some new listings up at my Etsy store you can view them here
Some of my limited edition prints of ACEOs are available there now. I hope to be adding more this week, if time will allow.

I just discovered this on Nicole Caulfied's blog. Google Street Maps
You can pan through cities or towns all over the world. Many artists are starting to use it as a reference tool for drawing backgrounds, landscapes etc. So I am off to go check out Ireland, Scotland and England. This is so cool!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alice -- Work in Progress

Still working on Alice. I was hoping to get her done this week, but too many things going on. So hopefully today I can finish it up.  I really wanted to participate in Ellen Millions May Sketch Fest today, but no time. Maybe next year :)

Alice is done in color pencil. I am using mainly Prismas with some Derwent Coloursofts and some  Lyra Rembrandts. The paper is Canson Mi Tientes and it is 6.0" x 8.0"  This piece is part of my new fairy tale series, based on Grimm Fairy Tales and Disneys.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Work In Progress, Scams and Seminar

New Work In Progress
I had to share my latest work in progress. Color pencil on Canson Mi Tientes. I normally complete the hair first, but I had to put it on hold as I ran out of some greys I needed.
Its the first of my new fairy tale series. This one is inspired by Disney's latest movie "Alice In Wonderland" with Johnny Depp, and Avril Lavigne's new song "Alice". Reference photo by the beautiful Aline Potter  I am hoping to get it finished up this week, so I can start on a new piece for the "Picture Yourself in Wonderland" contest  being put on by Walt Disney Studios. I don't know if I am going to have enough time or not, as the deadline is June 4th. Going to give it a try though, that is if  I can find the right reference photo, for what I am envisioning.

It's pretty scary for all the artists out there in cyberworld at the moment, with all the scams, identity theft, and art theft going on on the internet. I think I receive at least 5 scams a month of people wanting to buy my artwork, but are not legit.
Purchase Scams,  Phishing Scams, Nigerian Art Scam and Gallerie Scams are just some of the type of scams that artists receive monthly. Now the latest type of scam is a student emailing to you tell you, that they are wanting to write a report on you and need some personal information - Phishing.

Here are some warnings and ways to protect yourself from becoming the next victim.
  • Avoid emails inquiring about purchasing your artwork that have bad spelling, bad English and vague inquiries.
  • Avoid ever giving out any personal information, such as Social Security number, place of birth, passwords, names of your children, mother's maiden name, pet's name and so on.
  • Red warning lights should go off, if someone is offering to send you a money order, a cashier's or corporate check in an amount that is greater than the purchase price of your artwork.
  • Never ship an artwork out, til the check clears, especially if the purchaser is located outside of your country.
  • Insist that you only take payments through Paypal. No money orders or cashier checks. Put the Paypal logo up on your website, as it tends deter predators.
  • Avoid Vanity Galleries and Vanity Publications that charge expensive fees. and
  •  Check galleries and businesses out through the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce to make sure they are legit.
  • Avoid emails from Nigeria period.
  • Avoid emails about art awards or art grants, unless you requested the information.
  • If you are a victim of fraud, contact the  Internet Fraud Complaint Center or go to
Help spread the word about these type of scams and identity theft to help protect other artists.

Ann Kullberg has a new seminar that I would really LOVE to attend "The Teacher in YOU Training" seminar. Time to start saving up! You can check out the details here if you are interested

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Miniature Artwork

It's been a challenging past week for me,  I have been working on what I call, my very first miniature work of art, of a black tail deer.  I have much more to learn and much more practicing to do, but I am on my way and I have joined a great group, full of some amazing talented artists
I used watercolor and color pencil to do this piece and used my own reference photos. It's 2.5" x 3.5"

You might say, "Well that's the same size as an ACEO and what's so challenging about that?" A lot!  A miniature work of art is a specialty art and has layers of  more fine details,  than an ACEO.  Miniature artwork can range in size from 1.0" x 1.0" to 5.0" x 7.0".  They are to be no more than 1/6th scale of the actual subject and specific art guidelines are to be met with each association.    
Working in color pencil at such a small of scale and fine of detail can be quite challenging as the color pencil tips can break easy and you have got to keep your points sharp at all times. I am thinking, Prismacolor verithins,  might work better for such small of detail, only problem is, the verithins do not have a wide range of colors available, but I plan on testing them out on my next piece.

Some amazing miniature art can be seen at Wes and Rachel Siegrists' site
They have two books out "Exquisite Miniatures" and "The World of Nature in Miniature" located here
Take a look around at their galleries, their works will just blow you away. Truly inspiring, blessed and talented artists.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Continuing on with the topic of ACEOs from my last post....

To me, an artist must have good marketing skills, in order to survive out in this crazy economy (something I am still working on). My number one challenge this week, was researching ACEOs, and finding out more about how to market the type of ACEOs  I wanted to sell.   I know I will still face difficult challenges, even after all this research, but at least now, I know what I need to strive for, in order to become successful at selling ACEOs or any art for that matter, on eBay or even Etsy.

Well, I did a little researching on ACEOs (Art Card Edition and Originals),  when I first started creating them about 3 years ago. Recently, I have done even more researching.  Here's what I have learned.

The History
The ACEO movement was basically started by a gal named Lisa Luree in 2004.  She created a group on eBay to help promote the creation and sales of ACEOs.  “She started the ACEO movement, in response to the prohibition against selling what was associated with ATCs”, which is Artist Trading Cards.   Artist Trading Cards, originated in Switzerland .  They are always traded, not sold, and are the same size as an ACEO, 2.5” x 3.5”.   ATCs were originally used as an artist training tool.   Artists would exchange with one another, in order to learn each others' techniques and styles.
ACEOs, on the other hand, were created to sell on eBay and other art auction sites.  The goal is to put them into the hands of customers, who are willing to offer the highest bid or price.  The higher the bid, the better for the artist, and the more value or worth of the artist's art goes up.  Selling ACEOs on eBay, also gives the artist's followers and collectors, a chance to own something original that they created.  And the ACEO movement started an artist/collector craze out of this world.  Every artist starting creating ACEOs and the collectors came out full force.  And then the tanking of the economy began to hit in the later part of 2008. Selling ACEOs slowed down for many artists and completely for some, but the well known artists continued to sell their ACEOs really well and at high bids.

Being Successful at Selling ACEOs
I have learned a lot this past week about ACEOs, some things I did not know before, other things I did. I have gathered up some tips, that I would like to share with all the artists out there.

  1. Sell original ACEOs. What do I mean? Make them original, one of a kind. Create something that no other artist has tried yet, and see what sparks it creates.

  2. Make your listings and auction pages original. Create a auction page and listing that is going to grab the bidders attention, yet be professional looking as well. Make sure there is enough information in the description and that the image of the art is good quality.

  3. Make sure the back of the ACEO has the following information – full signature of the artist, date, title, medium, website or email, print number, and © symbol. You can check out my tutorial here on how I create the backings for my ACEOs

  4. Never start your bids lower than $4.99 and definitely not at .99 cents. It is usually a red flag warning for most serious art collectors, that you do not value your own work as an artist.

  5. Make sure you pack and ship your ACEO well. Keep it professional. Place your ACEOs in either penny sleeves or penny envelopes with a backing of some kind. Never post shipping costs higher than $3.00. Ship in a timely manner. I always ship mine in a 6” x 8” mailer. I always include a packaging slip, a business card, a thank you on the slip and a certificate of authenticity, if it is a print. I always try to ship it out, just as soon as I receive payment. Something I just discovered, is try creating a handmade decorative envelope to place the ACEO in. Tie with ribbon or raffia. The template is located here

  6. Keep a record of all sales. Record name, address, and email. Send out notices to the people on the sales record, when you have a new listing.

  7. If selling prints, make sure they are good quality inks and on good quality paper. I have been getting some of my prints at

  8. Once you have sold a few ACEOs and ACEO prints (50+), try opening up an eBay store. The price of listings is way cheaper, than per auction page.

  9. Check out your competition! See what other artists are starting their bids at. See how they design their listings and pages. See how they design and create their ACEOs. But DO NOT COPY.

  10. Advertise! Spread the word around, that you have got a new ACEO up for bid on eBay. Let followers know, if you have a special going on, or if a certain percentage of the sale is going to a specific donation, such as the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

Not all artist are successful at selling ACEOs, but I think if you use these tips you can be.  A true art collector and follower will pay the price no matter what it is, to acquire your works.  These are the people we “artists” need to be true to, need to promote to, need to say thank you to.  If it weren't for the fans and collectors, most artists wouldn't have their works hanging on walls or in a book on a coffee table.

By the way,  I  just had to share my latest news.  I just sold my very first ACEO print! "Bridge to Paradise"

I am awaiting payment, but I am very excited.
Thank you all for your support!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Struggling Artist Introductory

So, what is thiis blog all about? If I had to sum it up in a few sentences, it's about the disappointments and successes, in trying to make it as an artist, in today's ever changing economy. It's about sharing information, tips, ideas, sites, techniques, and  discover ways to help out other struggling artists.  It's about my journey on becoming the successful artist of my dreams and to help other artists achieve their dreams too.

I am literally what one would call the "Struggling Starving Artist". We basically live from paycheck to paycheck, which doesn't leave me a whole lot to buy art supplies or to enter many exhibitions or contests. Why?  I quit my part-time job a little over 2 years ago, to help care for my dad, who was dying from cancer. I decided, after he passed away,  I really wanted to try to make a go with my art full-time,  plus the kids, and health reasons were really preventing me from wanting to go back to elderly care/housekeeping profession. I am happy with my decision, as I get to be a stay-at-home mom, plus I get to work on my artwork, when I want to. 

So my journey began. It started off pretty good, as my friend, Jillian Crider,  introduced me to ACEOs (Art Cards, Editions and Originals). I sold quite a few on ebay, but then the economy started to tank and I started having a hard time selling anything on ebay or etsy.  The economy has improved some,  but I am still struggling to sell any works. So I am thinking 1) I need to improve more on my marketing skills 2)I need to improve my skills as an artist and 3) I need to discover that unique niche that most well known artists have, that could launch my art career. My passion is my art, and my expertise is color pencil. It's finding that special niche and concentrating on sticking with and creating 1 to 3 genres and targeting specific audiences. So my journey continues....

I just created a poll at my Deviant Art Page "What do you want to see me draw/paint more of?" If you are on DA please stop on by and vote 


 I created this piece just before my dad passed away in December 2007. When I created Faith, I poured my heart and soul into it, literally cried tears while working on it. It never won any competitions, but this piece reminds me to never give up, to always have faith and hope.